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What we’re about

Our heart speaks to us consistently but we may have learned overtime to tune it out, silence it, reject or ignore it -- often times we allow our mind to overpower our heart creating dissatisfaction, emptiness, and stress...

This group:

  • focuses on heart and mind coherence so that we may develop further!
  • Promotes wellness, growth and spirituality!
  • is created for those who desire to transcend suffering and habits that keep them functioning lower than their capacity.
  • aims to support and encourage its members to be the best versions of themselves
  • allows play, creativity, socialization and engagement!
  • doesn't judge! Not on gender, religion, age, race or sexual orientation. (Whatever judgement resides in you please know that this group will nudge you to see other possibilities)
  • is designed to connect us to our hearts by encouraging love for ourselves and for one another.
  • seeks to engage in meaningful relationships, events and interactions amongst the group.

EVERYONE IS WELCOME. It is time for personal healing, love and high vibrational energy! Please join if this resonates with you!

SIDE NOTE: We are based in NJ so events will be in NJ but all are welcome to Zoom events.