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What we’re about

Since the creation of the ‘Manifesto for Agile Software Development’ in 2001, many believe agile practices have become decorated to the point where it contradicts its roots. This is why, in 2015, Dr Alistair Cockburn (Manifesto co-author) developed ‘Heart of Agile’ to bring people back to what it’s about.
“We recover the simplicity and power of agile by recognizing that it can be expressed in four words: Collaborate; Deliver; Reflect; Improve.” - Alistair Cockburn
Through the Heart of Agile Scotland meetup group, our hope is to build a space where people of all abilities can exchange, build, and grow ideas, whilst making lasting, meaningful connections. This is not limited to those in the software development space - if you have an interest in agile, or have something to share, please feel free to come along.
Our meetups will generally be themed around one of the four key imperivites (Collaborate, Deliver, Reflect, Improve) and will be held on the first Thursday, every other month.

Our Code of Conduct:
Heart of Agile Scotland Meetup Code of ConductRespect and Inclusivity: 

Treat all members with respect, dignity, and kindness. 

Embrace diversity and be inclusive of all backgrounds and perspectives.

Collaboration: Foster an environment of collaboration and open communication. Encourage sharing ideas and constructive feedback in a supportive manner.

Positive Environment: Strive to create a positive and safe environment. Any form of harassment, discrimination, or bullying is strictly prohibited.

Continuous Improvement: Be open to learning and improving, both as individuals and as a group. Reflect on practices and seek ways to enhance the Meetup experience.

Delivery of Value: Focus on delivering value in our interactions, presentations, and discussions. Encourage practical insights and actionable advice.

Reflect and Adapt: Regularly reflect on how the Meetup is functioning and be open to adapting based on member feedback and changing needs.

Compliance and Reporting: Adhere to this Code of Conduct at all Meetup events and online platforms. Any violations should be reported to the organisers, who will take appropriate action.

By joining and participating in the Heart of Agile Scotland Meetup, members agree to uphold these principles.