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What we’re about

Hello, hola, welcome to this space! đź’™

I'm Trish, the community gatherer of Heart-based Leaders in Madrid and across Europe. Could I share with you something important for a moment?

In my recent unstructured research, I've discovered that A LOT of people, especially leaders are having a hard time finding "connections" and are yearning for "deep, meaningful conversations", (something that not only foreigners express, but locals as well).

And I think the reason is because so many of us are not fully attuned with our hearts. "But what does that mean exactly?", you may ask. Well, think about the word "heart" for a moment... what comes to your mind? Love! Yes, exactly!

In a world where love is abstract, it's easy to shy away from it and deny how powerful it can be for community building, for leadership, for friendships, for marriage, and literally, for everything else.

I think deep down, we all have that capacity - and it's just waiting to be awakened. That's why I've decided to start this community.

If, like many leaders, you're also longing for a relational space where we can meet heart-to-heart, engage in meaningful conversations without pride, masks and selfishness, and tackle challenges collectively - this is your invitation to join Heart-based Leaders.

Whether you're leading a team, your family, a community, or yourself (our leadership can take many forms), as long as you're willing for your hearts to be awakened, and don't mind a few surprises along the way, you are warmly welcome to join! đź’™

We'll be co-creating lovely gatherings online and in-person at least once a month where we can be humans who think and feel, talk, play, eat, drink, sing, dance, do sports, and more importantly, work together to bring heart-based leaders at the forefront of Madrid and across Europe.

Excited to meet you!


PS. All meetups are held in English unless otherwise stated.