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What we’re about

Have fun and meet compatriots one evening a month over food and drink around Helena MT. We will meet for fine dining, fun dining, potlucks, campfires, and other creative venues to enjoy the ambience and companionship of each other.
Our motto is "It's good to have fun." We want to "drink in" the moment and be curious about each other.

Depending on venue chosen for each month, space may be limited, and the time that we meet will change each month. For instance, campfire at someone's house will probably be unlimited. Dinner at a restaurant might be limited to 8-10 people, and the event start time may be early if no reservations are accepted.

Because we want to get to know each other, no guests please. Instead, they can join this MeetUp group and rsvp themselves.

When space is limited, we discourage cancellations, as this is hard on both the group and the venue. If you are unsure, leave the space for someone else. And please no cancellations twice in a row.
Let's have fun!