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Bears in the Sandias

From: Perky
Sent on: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 9:49 AM


The Camper/Trailer involved was the one parked just past the pay station at the picnic ground we Hashed at, this happened yesterday:
An East Mountains man had no choice but to fight back when a big bear seemed determined to get inside his camper Tuesday morning.
Longtime Sulphur Canyon picnic ground host Jim Hughes says a bear approached his camper and began clawing at the window.

From inside his camper, Hughes thought he could scare the bear off right away --  "I hollered at him and slapped on the wall from inside a couple times"  -- but the bear didn't want to leave and even broke the window.

"He just didn't want to stop," he said. "It seemed like the more I yelled the more he wanted to get in, which is extremely abnormal."

Hughes said when the bear's nose and claws were inside the window he whipped the bear with a clock.

"It wasn't a direct hit, per se��� I think I tagged him a little bit."

After a couple minutes, Hughes pulled a small door and window alarm; the shrieking apparently did the trick. The bear wandered back off into the forest.


In the last three days, the Department of Game and Fish has received 16 calls of bear sightings in the East Mountains.