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New Meetup: GPS - a practical introduction for beginners

From: Roger G [Bear M.
Sent on: Friday, June 25, 2010, 1:39 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: GPS - a practical introduction for beginners

When: Monday, June 28,[masked]:30 PM

City View Park
Jewel Place NE
Albuquerque, NM 87123

GPS is an amazing technology!! This could help you make good use of your GPS receiver.

After we chat about maps, GPS, latitude/longitude, and UTM coordinates we'll mostly work on using waypoints and tracks which I have found to be my most used GPS tools. It would be nice, but not essential, if you are familiar with map and compass [and if you aren't REI courses have been recommended to me].

There will be a little walking. Mostly we'll sit in the shade and play with our GPS units [bring something to sit on, a chair, blanket etc]. IF THERE ARE THUNDERSTORMS IN THE AREA we'll look to head indoors somewhere.

I have a Garmin 60CSx. It would be best if you have a similar unit, but we could probably work it out if you have something else. The principals are much the same, but please bring the instruction manual. You are also welcome if you don't have a GPS but want to find out more for a potential purchase.

I am keeping the group small. If you have to cancel, please do so on Sunday so others can get in. Thanks. Email questions.

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