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New Meetup: 3 Gun Springs

From: Keith F.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 9:27 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: 3 Gun Springs

When: Thursday, July 8,[masked]:00 PM

Smith's Food & Drug
200 Tramway Blvd SE
Albuquerque, NM 87101

Bring a headlamp or flashlight, although you probably will not need it. Nautical twilight is not until 9:30. We will not be on the trail later than that.

We'll carpool from the Smith's at Central and Tramway to the parking area at the trail head for the 3 Gun Springs trail. It takes about 10 minutes to drive there. The plan will be to hike a round trip of 4 miles up to the ridge. It is possible to cut the hike short. The trail is easy to follow back to the cars. However, do not turn back without letting me know, either directly or through someone else.

The trail climbs about 1600 feet in 2 miles, which is pretty steep. The first mile is moderate and then it get's steep. It is not difficult if you take your time and hike at your pace. If you are still hiking up when I head down, you will have to turn around at that point. That does not include my hiking back to check on people, which I do a lot. I'll let you know which is which.

This trail is exposed but it will be late in the day. Still sunblock is important. Bring plenty of water.

Dogs are fine if well behaved.


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