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New Meetup: Tree Spring 10 Mile Loop or Opt. 4 Mile out-and-back hike

From: Keith F.
Sent on: Friday, July 30, 2010, 9:19 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Tree Spring 10 Mile Loop or Opt. 4 Mile out-and-back hike

When: Sunday, August 1,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Smith's Food & Drug
200 Tramway Blvd SE
Albuquerque, NM 87101

A loop hike starting at the Tree Spring TH. Up the TS trail, past the Crest trail to a nice overlook.

An easier option upon reaching the overlook is to return back down the Tree Spring trail to your car, round trip, 4 miles, 1000 feet uphill.

If continuing:

Back to Crest and south to Cienega trail. Left on Cienega and down to Oso Corredor trail. Left on Oso C trail and back to the TS trail to return to parking.

Carpooling would be from the Smith's at the corner of Tramway and Central). Depart there at 7:05 am. Those carpooling should arrange themselves based on whether they are going with the easier or harder option.

Full hike is about 10 miles and 2k feet of total gain.

Please contact Keith on the RSVP list with questions.

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