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New Meetup: Difficult Sandia Peak Loop-Waterfall/Chimney Canyon-Strenuous and Challenging

From: Doug F.
Sent on: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 11:08 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Difficult Sandia Peak Loop-Waterfall/Chimney Canyon-Strenuous and Challenging

When: Sunday, August 8,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Piedra Lisa Trail Parking Lot
State Route 333D
Albuquerque, NM 87043

The idea here is to hike and scramble up the south ridge of Waterfall Canyon till it gets technical whereupon we will venture off the ridge, trying to avoid the thick brush if possible, no guarantees, and onto a large talus and boulder field which we will use to get back upon the ridge, above the problem area, up to the limestone cliffs where there is a climber or animal trail that leads to the Chimney Canyon Overlook where we begin our descent. Hike is not very lengthy in distance because it goes almost straight up and down the mountain. If you intend to join me be aware that there will be some short but exposed scrambling on some rotten rock. The moves are not difficult, but if you are afraid of heights or falling, this is not the hike for you. Because of the scrambling (non-technical climbing using hands and feet) no dogs will be allowed. The hike will be canceled if the weather forecast for the day has a high potential for thunderstorms in the early afternoon. Please check the site on Saturday to make sure the hike is still on (not only for the weather but to make sure that the hike leader makes it back safely to Albuquerque before the day of the hike). This should be a long day as it will take at least five hours to get up Waterfall Canyon and two to three hours to get down. Chimney Canyon is steep, but it is a piece of cake compared to the canyon that we will ascend. The hike isn't all about challenges, as the scenery along the way is sublime. Bring plenty of water and protective wear for the short bushwhack through prickly brush. Warning: This is beginner's hike and you should be in fairly good shape if you plan to join me.

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