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New Meetup: Sandia Peak Snowshoe Race

From: user 3.
Sent on: Monday, November 3, 2008, 1:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Sandia Peak Snowshoe Race

When: January 24,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: OK boy's and girls it?s that time for some fun in the snow (got my fingers crossed, that we get lots of snow). A group of us did this last year and had a blast. Even though it says race, most of us just hiked the course. You get a cool shirt and all the profits go to the Friends of the Sandia's. So what better way to send Saturday mourning? We will meet at 8:30am and carpool up to the crest for the race that starts at 10am. Sign up early to make sure you get a spot.

Event info:
The 2009 Sandia Peak Snowshoe race is Albuquerque?s only snowshoe race. It is a 3.2-mile race held atop the Sandia Mountains at an elevation of 10,678 feet. The views through the crystal-clear skies are magnificent: to the west is the sprawling city of Albuquerque, with the Rio Grande winding through it; to the north and east, you can see Santa Fe and the ?Turquoise Trail?.

Cost: $25.00 through January 12, 2008
$35.00 after January 12, 2008, including race day.

Go here for the low down:Sandia Snowshoe Website

Learn more here: