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New Meetup: Piedra Lisa Timed Hike -- all skill/fitness levels welcome, 4.2 miles, 1400 ft

From: user 3.
Sent on: Thursday, July 23, 2009, 9:18 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Piedra Lisa Timed Hike -- all skill/fitness levels welcome, 4.2 miles, 1400 ft

When: July 30,[masked]:45 PM

12201 Academy Rd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111

Piedra Lisa trail is a very picturesque trail in the pines trees above the La Luz. It is a short, but steep trail, making it an excellent training hike.

We will carpool from the Albertson's on Tramway and Academy, on the NW corner. We'll park and meet in the extreme SE corner of that parking lot, nearest the Academy/Tramway intersection. We will leave no later than 5:55pm, so please arrive on time. If you miss the Albertson's meeting, you can try to find the trailhead.

The TH parking lots are fee areas, so be prepared with either $3 or a national forest parking pass. Come with reasonable shoes, water, maybe a hat, and weather-appropriate clothes. Also a flashlight if you plan on hiking slowly.

This isn't a LONG hike, but it's considerably uphill (1400 ft or so). If you're in poor shape for going uphill, you may want to skip it. That said, this will be a TIMED hike. It's not easy to lose the trail after a certain point, so after that everyone can go at his/her own pace.

I estimate we'll arrive at the actual Piedra Lisa trail head at around 6:15. Sunset is around 8:20, we'll see if everyone can make the ridge line.

To find the Piedra Lisa trail head: first, good luck, unless you know where it is. This google maps link may help:

Parking for trailhead

To get there, go North on Tramway from Academy/Tramway. Eventually, Tramway will bend to the West. Shortly after the bend, on the right, there'll be an exit and a sign for "Forest Road 333". Take that. You'll proceed up that road for quite some time, it's twisty, but keep looking for a GOOD dirt road on your left. It'll be very definite and it'll have a parking area there as well as a dirt road. Go into that dirt road. There should be signs saying "Fee area". Take that dirt road and look for a dirt parking lot on your LEFT, maybe 1/4 to 1/2 mile further. Park in THAT lot. Hopefully you'll see the rest of us there. If not, then WALK up the dirt road and look on your right for the Piedra Lisa trail head. I think it's slightly more than 1/4 mile up the road.

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