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What we’re about

Do you enjoy hiking? This is your group. 👣

Enjoy your time with like minded people, discover natural habitats in Berlin and around, and do something good for your physical and mental health. Hiking is like a little vacation from big city jungle.

We offer three types of hikes

  • 🌲 Relaxed Hikes: on weekends in relaxed pace, mostly between 13km and 18km. Enjoy nature, community and spend an amazing day on weekend.
  • 🌻 After-Work Hikes / Walks: Mostly in summer time, often starting at 6pm. Rejunavate after work with nature around and meet like minded people. Maybe you'll see a sunset worthy of the name.
  • 🌄 Advanced Hikes: Normal pace and mostly more than 20km. You should be used to hike longer distances.

We enjoy community with like minded people, immerse ourselves into nature, and doing healthy actitivities for our legs, buttocks and lungs. 🌲🌳🥾

Our hikes often have a small organization fee for selecting attractive routes, planning activities and bringing together a group. On the spot:

  • 🚩 we will explain the route
  • 🖐🏼 We invite you to a personal introduction round to connect better and more easy to each other
  • 🙂 The organizers are well teached in group dynamics and can support the group in having a good time together

🧑🏼🧑👩🏼👩🏻 Abenteuer Freundschaft

  • Abenteuer Freundschaft supports people to become friends.
  • Find out more on [in German]
  • Our hikes are a enjoyable occasion to meet new people and do interesting things together, therefore we do it.

🎤 What do other friendly hikers say

  • "Hiking is one of the best occasions to make friends in Berlin"
  • "It is so interesting to be at the most beautiful places around Berlin. See you next time again."
  • "Great after-work-event to relax my mind. I had a good conversation and I am happy that we had some trees and a picturesque lake after an intensive office day. I am fresh for tomorrow."

🏛 Legal notice
Please be aware: The group and the events are just an offer to meet like minded people on a suggested route. We are not guides. You are still fully responsible for yourself, for your equipement and you shoud know what you are capable to do as a hike. No one of the group nor the organizers are responsible.

🦄 And still, we would like to invite you to take care of each other like normal aquaintances do, and to support each other and just have a good time.

I am happy to meet you and share some beautiful relaxed hikes. 🌲🌳🥾😊
