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What we’re about

We Are Better Together!!!
建立群组目的: 活出主愛與真自由盼望連结弟兄姊妹一同成長同多個渠道擴闊社交空間,更重要的是實踐上帝愛的交托,讓愛湧流。
Joy to live a life with Jesus' Love and Freedom
We are a fun-loving group of spiritually minded people from Hong Kong. We come together to meet, to love and grow, make new friendships, and do both social and spiritually rewarding activities.
Our diverse events include midweek hangout, community outreach, book & movie events, picnic, hiking, sporting events- badminton, Running, biking, camping and many other fun and meaningful activities.
We aim to be a caring and compassionate group where people will be respectful of each other despite different backgrounds, cultures, and interests.
Come to join us, and broaden your social and spiritual horizons as we seek to be the bridge to bring people together and connect or reconnect to God.


Disclaimer & Release of Liability
We are a private Christian meetup group. As a meetup group, of utmost importance, is the fostering of a safe & comfortable experience for all members, online & during Events. Our **Leadership will not tolerate any comments or behavior that is inappropriate and/or may make other members uncomfortable. Such actions may lead to a dismissal from this group. \

*Please do not solicit anyone for personal gain or to promote your business, church events and other meet up groups or events.
Thanks to The Leadership Team for their love and valuable contributions.