What we’re about
Tired of materialistic machinations and existential angst ? Ever wondered if there is more to life than the cradle to grave quotidian quagmire ? This group could be for you!
Aimed at those seeking to explore the boundaries of apparent reality, this group is firmly targeted for those seeking not only to think outside the box, but to live outside the box!
Using energy work, mindfulness and fundamental truths to illuminate and examine the nature of reality and our role in it we will be engaged in a regular meetings to shed ourselves of the the vestiges of materialistic thinking, stuck habits and existential conformity.
We will be connecting with the source energy of the cosmos to deeply cleanse ourselves of unhelpful residual patterns and surrendering their toxicity to the healing powers of Gaia. Then we can use our cleansed being to powerfully appreciate the wisdom of the ages and apply that knowledge to bring ourselves in harmony with true purpose.
All that is required of participants is an open mind and a willingness to explore and share their feelings, energies and thoughts. The ability to undertake gentle physical exercise is also a prerequisite.