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What we’re about

Humanism is a worldview that puts the responsibility on humans, rather than supernatural entities, to solve human problems through reason, science and compassion.

Wherever in the world you are, whether you are atheist, religious, humanist, secular, agnostic, Bright, skeptic, freethinker, heretic, curious or indifferent, you are welcome to our events.

If you answer 'yes' to these questions, you might enjoy our group (source:

  • I question my own opinions, positions, and viewpoints because they could be wrong.
  • I reconsider my opinions when presented with new evidence.
  • I recognize the value in opinions that are different from my own.
  • I accept that my beliefs and attitudes may be wrong.
  • In the face of conflicting evidence, I am open to changing my opinions.
  • I like finding out new information that differs from what I already think is true.

We are a chapter of Humanist Canada -

Upcoming events (4+)

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