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What we’re about

Ever wondered how a great idea like feminism or kindness was turned inside out and became a caricature of itself? Feminism that hurts women? Empathy that results in more injustice? Kindness that leads to more suffering? It’s time to step back and look critically on today’s vocabulary. Our society is built around values, but what if the things we value the most only got the empty shell left, only the word, not the meaning. Let’s re-discover all the great ideas together, and not let them get ruined by virtue signaling, ignorance and immaturity.
From feminism to GMOs, from positive thinking to recycling, from being “nice” to protecting the environment, there are so many things that started out as a great and beautiful idea, but was misused, mislabeled or turned into the complete opposite of itself. 
Take feminism, it started out as a beautiful idea of achieving equal rights for women; however, currently many branches of feminism went into directions that literally hurt women. 
Take GMOs - genetic modification of vegetables and crops can allow for better yields and healthier plants and, therefore, help solve food shortages, alleviate drought problems, etc. However, not only genetically modified vegetables got demonized by the press, they also are abused by the farmers, who exploit plants’ resistance to pesticides and use unsafe amounts of them, which actually does renders the plants dangerous (which ironically has nothing to do with the way they are being demonized).
And the list goes on. There is a multitude of these issues in politics, social life and beyond. 
This book/discussion club is dedicated to discussion of controversial issues like that.
Our main values are critical thinking, rationality, and effectiveness. Virtue signaling is our worst enemy. We welcome different opinions and lively polemics as long as people are respectful. The truth is born in a dispute.
P. S. please, note, that a real photo on the avatar is required to join the group. This is to ensure that everyone is on equal footing. Also, please, answer the required questions, even if your answers are very general, I will not approve requests with "..." instead of answers. Thank you for your understanding!