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What we’re about

Just like the title says. I'd like there to be a group that runs and works out together, so I'm going to try making a group myself! All fitness levels are welcome. The activities we'll do will depend on the interest. If you want to run, we'll run. If you want a boot camp workout, we'll do that. If enough of you are cyclists, we'll do that too. We'll figure it out as we go, but you will work up a sweat, I guarantee.

About me: I'm NOT a personal trainer, fitness guru, cult leader or even especially in that great shape myself. I'm a guy, mid forties, who wants to stay active and I figure some others feel the same. I like running and calisthenics so that will be what I bring to the table, knowledge-wise. Anyone with other skills, like Yoga, are encouraged to come, too.

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