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HASD update: Some Great upcoming events! Including THE GOD VIRUS & "The Crucible"

From: Jason F.
Sent on: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 3:38 PM
Hello Humanists and Friends, just a quick note from the Humanist Association:

Hello HASD,

We have some new developments in our schedule and some big news! We apologize for the recent radio silence, we have been in the midst of an ambitious overhaul.

1. After searching for a great webdesigner, we have found one, and will receive its long overdue overhawl. Look that within the next few weeks. It is going to be interactive, and be the best damned Free Thought site in San Diego!
2. We now have an Executive Director and Volunteer Coordinator. Please Welcome Jennifer Brauer and Andrew Clement to their new posts.
Jennifer has posted her first meeting, a nice and easy ADA accessible walk this Saturday (9/5/09) at 11 am in Balboa Park (6th & Upas).
3. The Prometheus players have a new production that we know that you will love
4. We have a terrific speaker coming in from Kansas
5. We have enjoyed our Athletic events and would love for you to participate: the current interest is snorkeling every Sunday at La Jolla Cove at noon.
6. We are having a bit of an organizational turnover as we expand to pave the way for our new project. It is the biggest, most ambitious, Free Thought Community Project in years- and we will reveal the details as we launch it at our December annual membership meeting.
7. We are working with the American Humanist Association to promote a new Survey developed by Jennifer Brauer, come Saturday night to find out more about it!
8. There has been some requests for a book club, and a return of Secular Sunday School. If you are interested, please let us know.
9. We will be launching the groundwork for an upcoming Regional Conference for March 2010.
10. There are some upcoming meetings with national secular organizations coming to town and we will keep you apprised.

Coffee & Conversation will be moving to Saturdays (Coco's 2644 El Cajon Blvd)

It's the same Coffee & Conversation that you know and love; but in a new location! We have been wanting to move back to Saturday nights since our unexpected switch at Liberatalia. We still like Libertalia, but we like Saturday Nights. Join us this Saturday (9/5/09) 7 p.m. @Coco's. The other night several of us were having dinner there and discovered their back room. Unfortunately they are free every Saturday but the third one monthly (the same weekend as our monthly meeting); that night we will be enjoying the upscale atmosphere of the San Diego Wine and Culinary Society. It's hip, reasonably priced

THE GOD VIRUS: How Religion infects our lives and Culture
Saturday September 19th, 2nd Floor San Diego Central Library 12 p.m.
Darrel Ray, Ed.D. will be speaking on his new book:
THE GOD VIRUS: How Religion Infects our Lives and Culture

Darrel Ray, Ed.D. is an organizational psychologist and student of religion for over forty years. Raised in a fundamentalist home, he knows religion from the inside out. He has a BA in sociology, an MA in religion and an Ed.D. in counseling psychology. He left religion in his thirties, but continued to ask the question, "How does religion work on the mind and behavior of those it infects?" Because no other authors seemed to be answering this question, he wrote The God Virus as a practical and theoretical guide to those who want to understand religions and specifically how to eliminate them from our lives. In March of this year, he started a new organization, Recovering from Religion (RR). Taking the notion of religious infection seriously, he recognized that people need a support system to help them deal with the consequences and aftermath of leaving religion. RR is a self help movement in support of those trying to deal with the emotional and social impact leaving has on their lives. Starting with one group in March, there are now 13 groups in 10 cities across the US. Visit them on the web at Darrel is father of two and grandfather of two grandsons. His hobbies include, traveling, writing, flower gardening and mountain climbing. He has climbed 38 of the Colorado 14ers. What others have said: Darrel gives an engaging, highly informative, fun, and at points hilarious, presentation. You will be left wishing that there had been more time to explore with him all aspects of this dead-on perspective of religion and its effects on all of us. (You, too, are a vector!) Come prepared for what should be a very lively Q & A. This is a book and lecture you DON'T want to miss! Dennis Horvitz Host, "NYC Atheists Live! (On Tape)"

Sunday, September 20th: 6 p.m. Joyce Beers
Jason has returned from his Midwest Humanist Conference and Lecture Tour. Join us as Jason presents the lecture that he gave in Nebraska and Kansas City on the importance of Humanism in our World today and ways in which we can better society.

In honor of Free Thought Day, we will be performing yet another wonderful production.
We will be holding auditions soon.... stay tuned!

until next time here are some videos that you might enjoy:

Thank you,
See you this weekend
for our full calendar check out

Jason Frye
President HASD
Chairman, American Humanist Association Chapter Assembly Board
[address removed]

Humanist Association of San Diego
P.O. Box 3653
San Diego, CA 92163

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