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Saturday and the next two weeks

From: Jason F.
Sent on: Friday, November 20, 2009, 4:05 AM
Hey guys tomorrow (Sat. 11/21) we will be meeting at 3350 Suite F Sports Arena Blvd, San Diego, CA 92110
7 pm for another rousing round of Coffee & Conversation

Next Saturday, Join us for our Annual Free Thought Family Thanksgiving?
7 pm Joyce Beers (3900 Vermont Street)
This is a potluck, so bring something to share
*if you have nothing to do for thanksgiving, contact us, some of us are getting together for dinner, it would be great to have you with us.

Then in December we will be doing an intertraditional aid event with a group of conservative Christians... stay tuned

And finally, our first annual Human Light event is Sunday, December 20th (7 pm) at Joyce Beers
Our host: Mr. Deity, Brian Dalton with a special appearance by the Magical Santa Clause, and awarding the 2009 San Diego Humanist of the Year.
this event is $10, with a special "Dinner with the Deity" $30- please order tickets in advance

And lastly, on Sunday our board nominated our[masked] slate
Jason Frye president
Vernon Tisdall Vice president
Jennifer Brauer Treasurer
Andrew Clement Secretary
Board At Large
Mike Lewis
Eve Daniels
Burt Halsema
Jay Murley
Bill Lindley
Mickey Maynard
Walt Carver

for any other nominations, please contact us

see you saturday

Humanist Association of San Diego
P.O. Box 3653
San Diego, CA 92163

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