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What we’re about

Resilience Resource Center

MISSON STATEMENT: The Resilience Resource Center seeks to foster and build resilience skills in the LGBTQIA+ community by providing accessible mental health services, fostering and building safe-space educational environments, and teaching career skills designed to bring about positive social change and to improve the quality of life for marginalized individuals and families.

VISION STATEMENT: The Resilience Resource Center envisions a world where everyone can access the resources needed for a healthy and happy life. Resilience, the ability to bounce back in challenging times, is particularly important for marginalized communities. The Resilience Resource Center empowers these communities by educating, skill-building, and providing resources that directly help to challenge negative thinking, build optimism, and understand the importance of connection and purpose in their lives. We believe we heal and grow in community and envision a world where all people feel safe, connected, and empowered.

The LGBTQIA+ Community faces many unique challenges. Resilience, the ability to bounce back in challenging times, is particularly important for LGBTQIA+ youth. The best thing about resilience is that it is something we can learn. It’s a skill we can build. The prime mission of the Resilience Resource Center is to provide and support programs fostering the development of resilience in the LGBTQIA+ community. All Resilience Resource Center programs will be in service of these core components of resilience.

Resilience Resource Center, 2337 Philmont Ave, Suite 102, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

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