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Re: [ia-55] iPhone Design

From: Alan N.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 31, 2012, 8:57 AM
Hi Adam,

Whoa, overkill. As nice as it behaves - there's just a lot of unnecessary stuff going on. Sorry, but the iPhone's native NOTES app works just fine on many levels (free, easy to use, clear interactions, mms, email...).

About your own design concerns, I suggest ad hoc testing some simple prototypes with handy pals, acquaintances to hone your requirements.

Alan N

On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 11:08 PM, adam webber <[address removed]> wrote:
I'm working on a new iPhone app and having internal debates about over cluttering the app vs cutting out the fat. When I came across this article I began wondering what the UI community would think about the design rules being discussed... is this good design or to confusing? 

This is where I got interested and thought I'd ask you guys... An excerpt from the article:
"Clear does have affordances and discoverability, he argues--it?s just ahead of its time, relying on gestural conventions that are still somewhat in flux now, but will seem to the people of 2025 as intuitively obvious as pointing and double-clicking on icons seem to us now. Those interactions (known as the WIMP paradigm, for "window, icon, menu, pointer"), after all, are no more objectively "intuitive" than pinching or swiping on a touch screen. We?re just so used to them after three decades that nobody needs to explain them anymore. We all simply expect WIMP-style graphical user interfaces to follow those rules, just like we expect a doorknob to twist and unlock a door."


Adam Webber

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