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Re: [ia-55] User Testing Vs. Focus Groups

From: Michael G.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 11:36 AM
I personally like using Visual Website Optimizer.  It is a very amazing service that can give you a ton of testing feedback including heatmaps.  There is a special for it on the Hacker Bundle.
- MJ

On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Thomas Donehower, Dir UX at Xi <[address removed]> wrote:

Does anyone have any thoughts about best practices for focus groups? I've done a lot of one on one user testing, but have not conducted a lot of focus groups. We're basically showing a prototype application to a target group of users, about 10, via WebEx. 

I'm concerned about "group think" and "mob rule" type comments as we review the application. 

Any thoughts about how to best show the application and which questions to ask to get the most valuable feedback from the group? 



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