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What we’re about

Dette er en gruppe for alle interesserede der vil lære mere om #IBMCloud, "the cloud built for business". Du er enten en eksisterende #IBMCloud-bruger eller har aldrig været i berøring med #IBMCloud før. Meetup emnerne vil variere og er typisk af interesse for udviklere, administratorer eller forretningsledelse.

Vores interesse er hvordan teknologi kan anvendes til at forbedre og vokse forretning samt gøre verden til et bedre sted. Nogle af de teknologiske emner, vi er interesseret i, er: cloud platforme, kunstig intelligens, blockchain, analytics, automation, cloud services / API'er, datalogi, integration, applikationsudvikling og governance.


This is a group for anyone interested in learning about #IBMCloud, the cloud built for business. You can be an existing #IBMCloud user, or someone who has never touched the #IBMCloud before. Meetup topics will vary and could be of interest to developers, administrators, or business leaders.

We are interested in using cool tech to grow business and make the world a better place. Some of the technology topics that we care about are: cloud platforms, artificial intelligence, blockchain, analytics, automation, cloud services / APIs, data science, integration, application development, and governance.