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What we’re about

Welcome to IBS Support Canada.

Do you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Do you need help coping? Please join us! We’re a group that offers regular phone support to people with IBS.

The support includes an information exchange on various IBS topics, sharing of personal experiences as well information on things such as:

    An IBS-safe diet

    How to prepare foods to minimize IBS symptoms

    IBS-safe food products you can purchase in Toronto

    Lifestyle things you can do to reduce IBS symptoms

    How to travel with IBS

    How to eat out at restaurants with IBS, and the

    Latest research on IBS

This group is led by volunteer organizer Belinda Sutton, an IBS sufferer for more than 60 years. Belinda's IBS is severe, but, through diet and lifestyle, she is able to lead a normal life -- working at a regular job, travelling and doing almost anything a non-IBS person does.

Belinda follows a diet developed by Heather Van Vorous, a Seattle, Wash.-based sufferer who a leading authority on IBS. Heather’s diet is believed to be the best in the world for IBS. Belinda has added her own refinements to Heather’s diet -- taking a very natural, common-sense approach for control of IBS symptoms. More information.

Belinda Sutton

IBS Support Canada - Founder / Organizer

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