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Universities, Protests and Wokeness: Have Elites Gone Crazy?

Photo of Jan Fabisiak
Hosted By
Jan F. and JP O.
Universities, Protests and Wokeness: Have Elites Gone Crazy?


Welcome to this fascinating global debate… held simultaneously!
Join participants from cities the world over… don’t miss out!
You can book your space in a few easy steps.
In an era where universities are becoming hotbeds of activism, the alignment of elite academic circles with extreme ideological stances is stirring debates across societies. "Universities, Protests and Wokeness: Have Elites Gone Crazy?" is a virtual discussion event aimed at exploring the dynamics of recent protests in elite universities, particularly concerning Israel's actions in Gaza and the broader implications of these movements on societal norms and intellectual discourse.
As the divide between academic elites and broader societal views widens, questions arise about the role of higher education institutions in shaping and reflecting public opinion. This event seeks to dissect the motivations behind these protests and the broader cultural shifts within elite academia.
What to Expect: This virtual event invites participants to engage in a critical examination of the recent wave of protests and the ideologies driving them. "Universities, Protests and Wokeness: Have Elites Gone Crazy?" provides a platform for informed discussion, diverse perspectives, and a deep dive into the evolving landscape of academic activism.
Key Topics:
· The Rise of Campus Activism: Investigate the surge in protests at elite universities. What are the underlying causes and key issues driving these movements?
· Elite Academia and Public Opinion: Explore the disconnect between the views held by academic elites and the broader public. How does this gap impact societal cohesion and policy-making?
· Wokeness and Intellectual Discourse: Assess the influence of "woke" ideologies on academic freedom and discourse. Are these movements fostering inclusivity or stifling diverse viewpoints?
· Impact of Gaza Protests on Campus: Examine the implications of protests related to Israel's actions in Gaza. How are these events shaping campus climates and influencing student activism?
· Future of Higher Education: Engage in a discussion on the potential long-term effects of current protest movements on the future of higher education and intellectual diversity.
This virtual event is designed for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of contemporary academic activism. Whether you are a student, educator, policy maker, or simply curious about the future of higher education, this event welcomes your insights and participation.
Prepare for a thought-provoking exploration of the challenges and dynamics facing elite universities today. Secure your virtual seat, bring your perspectives, and join us in examining whether elite academic institutions are navigating a crisis of identity or heralding a new era of intellectual engagement.
When? Tuesday, June 4
What time? 8 PM New York/ 7 PM Chicago/ 5 PM LA
Who participates? Global minds from all over the world
How many people per group? A maximum of 9 people per debating group to maximize experience
How much? We only charge a small contribution of 5 USD which covers our costs and allows us to sponsor people who wouldn’t be able to connect otherwise
First time? Drop us a line and you can participate for FREE 😊
And if I don’t like it? No risk involved. We’ll give you a complete refund
Do I have to prepare? It’s not mandatory, but if you like there’s Food for Thought videos
How do I connect? You’ll receive a link in your email max. 24 hours after payment
Everyone is welcome, together with their plus ones, ideas, and perspectives.
Click on the link and register now!

Photo of Ideas Exchange San Francisco group
Ideas Exchange San Francisco
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10 spots left