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What we’re about

A MeetUp hosted by the Chartered IIBA® Hawaii Chapter.


We are a newly chartered @IIBA® chapter promoting the practice and profession of Business Analysis in Hawaii. 

Our meetings announced via MeetUp are open to anyone interested in learning more about the Business Analysis profession. 

Community outreach is part of our mission, which includes:

• Professors and students in the academic community

• Military personnel transitioning to civilian careers

• Members of the various technical MeetUps and the community in general

Look for us on Twitter @IIBAHawaii and be sure to say "Aloha" by tagging us on Twitter with #BABOK or #BusinessAnalysis during scheduled MeetUps! 

Can't make it to the Main Island? Ask about forming a Neighboring Island affiliate branch!

Also, join our LinkedIn Group.


PS: We do have private member-only meetings like professional development sessions, certification informational webinars, and even a weekly lunch-and-learn called BABOK® Talk Tuesdays hosted via WebEx. 

If you like the MeetUps, then we encourage you to join! Locate detailed membership information on our Chapter Home Page.

(Remember to speak with a tax professional about deductibility for member dues and mileage to meetings)

Keywords: Business Analysis Training in HawaiiBusiness Analyst HawaiiIIBA, BABOKCCBA, CBAP, Business AnalysisIIBA Hawaii Chapter, Oahu, Maui, Big Island

IIBA trademark compliance statement:
IIBA, BABOK, CCBA, CBAP are registered trademarks of the International Institute of Business Analysis™ - Reference link.