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What we’re about

We practice the Law of Attraction daily and follow the principles of The Science of Getting Rich and The Secret.

We utilize powerful tools such as  Neurolinguistic Programming to help us shift our subconsious mind from unwanted programming to shifting into what we do want. As a  Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnotherapist I guide others to tap into their past lives, as well as direct communication with their Super Conscious Mind which retrieves your Akashic Records  to better answer all of your life's questions. If you wish to learn more about Dolores Cannons work go to 

 We realize that the power of belief when applied with Intention and Gratitude brings forth the things we desire. We guide you to follow your Highest excitement, and your true purpose in this life. We use Hypnosis to reprogram our subconscious minds from years of unwanted programming through our schools, media, the news, people of authority and transmute this into positive programming. We have an online group of over 3000 members. Through LOA we made it a reality to move here! We discuss metaphysics,Becoming a Secure Creditor spirituality, psychic development, Hatha Yoga, meditation, and creating our reality the way we choose. 

Please visit our Site here for more info on what we do including my site for Intuitive Readings, Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy and NLP

To learn more about me Please visit my youtube channel here

Our Mission is to wake as many people as possible to their own true self and potential not to learning something new! But to remember who you all are! We also practice Earth Based Traditions, Paganism, High Magick, Ecclectic. 



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