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What we’re about

We surrender to so many shoulds and musts daily, and regardless of how much work we put into self discovery, we barely allow ourselves to showcase our full versions in the surrounding environments.

Well, let's do something about it, let's have a place where we can simply UNSCRIPT OURSELVES!

Through this workshop series, we look at three things:

  • the art of being - striving towards showcasing a more complete version of ourselves
  • the top of our minds - working on quick reactions, free your mind, noticing patters,
  • the concept of comfort - enlarging what we are comfortable with, while at the same time having a place we can simply BE a little bit more than the norm.

The aim, you ask?

Formally said, over time, an increased ease of living.

The encouragement to add a little bit of conscious improvisational concepts that into your day to day life. "Conscious" because life doesn't have any script either, we're all making it up on the go, aren't we?

Otherwise, you take what you need out of these sessions, whether is new friends, reflective thoughts on your Strengths and NeedToWorkOns, a bucket of laughter, any & all.

We focus each session on a different element: whether is character-work, physicality, working with silence, speech, etc and have a dynamic format, moving a lot, interchanging between pair work & group work.

Creative minds and the like, you're very much welcomed! You need comfortable clothes and a smile on your face, the rest we have settled.
... and until we meet again, UNSCRIPT YOURSELVES!!!!

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