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What we’re about

Come and remember, in the depth your heart, the vastness of your true Self.
Join us every other Wednesday evening at 5:30 pm Pacific as we delve into the rich tapestry of ancient/modern Sufi teachings known as "the way of the heart." A century ago, Hazrat Inayat Khan introduced these evolving and vibrant teachings to the West. Now, we extend to you an invitation to explore the soul's journey—navigating both the struggles and challenges of this life and the transformative path to spiritual freedom.
Our meetups encompass the exploration of Sufi philosophy and perspective, complemented by immersive practices in breathing, sound, and silence drawn from the Inayati Order. This is the training of attention. These practices align with the core arenas of Inayati training: Concentration, Contemplation, Meditation, and Realization.
Guiding our exploration is John Rahm, a dedicated student of the Inayati Order for 47 years. Trained in the Inayatiyya as a Representative, teacher, and guide, John holds a Master’s degree in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies. With decades given to the study of life, love, and the natural world, he brings holistic perspectives to our journey of self-discovery.
We invite you to join us in this transformative odyssey of self-awareness and spiritual growth.

Explore these valuable resources on your spiritual journey:

  1. Daily Email "The Bowl of Saki" Receive daily inspiration: The Bowl of Saki
  2. The Prayers Connect through prayer: Prayers
  3. Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan Delve into the wisdom: Teachings
  4. The Purification Breaths Experience transformative breathwork: Purification Breaths
  5. The Ten Sufi Thoughts Reflect on profound thoughts: Ten Sufi Thoughts
  6. The Chivalric Rules Embrace the Way of Freedom with 40 rules: Chivalric Rules

May these links enhance your exploration and bring deeper insights to your spiritual path.

Upcoming events (4+)

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