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What we’re about

Welcome to Indian Startup Founders - London, a collaborative and supportive platform for Indian startup founders based in London or those interested in building connections within the Indian startup ecosystem in the city.

We aim to create a vibrant, inclusive, supportive community where members can share insights, experiences, and advice on their entrepreneurial journeys. We welcome founders across all sectors and stages - whether you are embarking on your journey with a new idea, building your company, or have already scaled and experienced successes.

Our meetups will provide opportunities for the following:

Networking: Connect with like-minded entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts from diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Knowledge Sharing: Exchange experiences, challenges, learnings, and solutions to issues commonly faced by startups.
Guest Speakers: Inviting accomplished entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and domain experts to share their insights and experiences.
Workshops & Panels: Regular sessions on various aspects of entrepreneurship - from raising funds, marketing strategies, and scaling a company to navigating the London startup ecosystem.
Startup Showcases: Members will get opportunities to showcase their startups, gain feedback, and increase visibility.

We believe that together, we can foster a supportive community that not only celebrates the spirit of entrepreneurship but also contributes to the growth and success of each member.

We look forward to welcoming you to our community and participating in your entrepreneurial journey. Whether you're an Indian startup founder or someone intrigued by the dynamic Indian startup ecosystem, your experience and perspective will add tremendous value to our group. So, join us and let's make our dreams a reality!

Note: While our group focuses on Indian startup founders, we promote diversity and inclusivity. We welcome members from all backgrounds who share our passion for startups and entrepreneurship.

Let's make this the go-to group for every Indian startup founder in London.