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New Event: Picnic and

From: Joe
Sent on: Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 12:18 PM
Announcing a new meeting for Indy Film Buffs Meetup Group!

What: Picnic and "Grease" at the IMA - Joint Meet-Up

When: Friday, June 6, 6:00 PM

Event Description: This is a joint meet-up with the Veggie group (Kelly will be organizing from that group and is also a member of IFB Meetup). Plan to arrive as early as 6:00 to have a picnic, and the movie will start at dusk.

"Grease" is one of those timeless, fun movies and will be perfect for this venue.

Tickets are $8 for non-members, and $3 for members.

Click here for details and to RSVP:

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