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New Meetup: Jack Says: Brit film noir at the Georgetown 14

From: mike m.
Sent on: Friday, April 3, 2009, 12:57 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Indy Film Buffs Meetup Group!

What: Jack Says: Brit film noir at the Georgetown 14

When: April 7,[masked]:15 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Jack Says is a British film noir that has played at several festivals. It makes its US debut this Friday at the Georgetown 14 (and other theaters in other cities); this one is NOT available on DVD in the US. From the preview, it looks like it might be something along the lines of I'll Sleep When I'm Dead and/or almost everything that Guy Ritchie has directed (on a lower budget, though). Rula Lenska (from some TV commercial that ran over and over and over in the 70s/80s) was the only name in the cast that I recognized.
This is the plot, according to the film's official site (see below for a link):

"Waking up blood-soaked in London next to a dead body, Jack has amnesia, but just enough wits about him to disappear before the police arrive. A photgraph and a scribbled address draw him to Paris to visit Erin the Ex he can't remember. But a guy like Jack attracts trouble, and an encounter with the mysterious cabaret singler Girl X brings him to the attention of underworld figure Garvey. As he struggles to remember his former life and with the British police closing in on him, Jack finds his chances for happiness and a new life slipping away as he is dragged into a web of lust and deceit, with tragic consequences." (lists the film festivals its played, and has the trailer too)

The movie starts at 7:25, so I will try to be in the lobby by 7:15. Tickets are a mere $7.00 (cheap for a non-matinee showing these days).

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