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9/27 Wanna play some D&D at my place?

From: Heather
Sent on: Friday, August 29, 2014, 9:43 AM

Hey Gamer!

If you aren't doing anything on 9/27, what do you think about coming over and playing some D&D?  We are going to do another full RPG day with D&D 5th Edition but this time we are mixing it up a bit.

At 9am we will kick off two different 12 hour games:

Lost Mines of Phandelver Part 2: The D&D Starter Set section 3 and 4. Bob will be continuing where he left off on the D&D Starer Set Play through from our 7/19 Welcome Back D&D play through. 9am-9pm in the sun room.

Hoard of the Dragon Queen: The first module book released for 5th Edition. Grover will be bulling through the entire season of organized play material in 12 hours. 9am-9pm in the basement.

At 10am we will start a very special game: The Goblet- A Call of Cthulhu crossover run with the 5E rule set by David.. a CoC expert from you Too Can Cthulhu world renown. 10am-6pm in the back room.

At 1pm, I'll be running a Girls Only edition of the 5th Edition Starter Set. This is a ladies only game.. so if you are a lady and you are curious about D&D this is your game.. 1-4 location is weather dependent.

At 5pm, RAVENLOFT!!! Converted to 5th Edition and run by Ian. 5-9pm location is weather dependent.

Please be sure to reserve your spot for the game/ games you are interested in playing and keep those RSVP's current! The waiting lists will be turned on for these events.

We will provide hot dogs n fixin's, if everyone could bring 5$ worth of something to share like drinks, chips, snacks, veggies, fruit, cookies, brownies, potato salad, random sides, we should be able to sustain ourselves with a pitch-in. If you have dietary restrictions and wish to abstain from participation in group/share in favor of bringing your own goodies; feel free to not share.

There is parking off to the right of the driveway for about 15 cars so if you get here past 10am you will probably need to park across the street on Bar Will.

Minors who are mature enough to play D&D alongside cussing adults who are making jokes about sex, violence, and drinking are totally welcome if accompanied by a non-minor.

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