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Exploration of: Consciousness

Photo of Anton
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Mainly because of a zoom presentation I attended by Cynthia Sue Larson, posted by another meetup group, I’m interested in talking about Consciousness. It is a subject/topic that gets my attention again in some form eventually already. What would you, member, say “Consciousness” is? Jerry, one of my appreciated group members is returning to share a few words (a short summary) on what he has learned about Consciousness from studying, plus his own ideas. For this conversation, even if one does choose to bring a scientific description, for this, I can ask a couple of example questions accordingly. Are there philosophical implications to the scientific description of “Consciousness”? Are there “metaphysical” implications to the scientific description of “Consciousness”? The scope of this chat is purposefully wide, which also, purposefully, isn’t quite new for this group.

Photo of Initial Curiosity group
Initial Curiosity
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