Please contact:
Leaders: Bea & Jim Harrison
Bea (830) 313-0610 or Jim (509) 934-7460
This is a day-long trip to the “Banana Belt”, better known as Lewiston, Idaho & Clarkston, Washington. We will caravan/carpool to the birding hotspots of this area and could see close to 50 species, including hundreds of ducks, many at close range, including Wood Ducks, Common and Barrow’s Goldeneye, Ring-neck Ducks, Buffleheads, etc. In addition, we often see American Kestrel, Peregrine Falcon, Gray-crowned Ros-Finch, a variety of gull species, and White Pelicans.
• Be sure to dress appropriately for the weather, boots and rain gear. It can be very windy and wet. All walks will be short and easy, in public parks with restrooms.
• Bring binoculars, scopes and cameras if you have them. If you need to borrow good binoculars, let us know ASAP, so we can bring some.
• Bring lunch, water, snacks.
• RSVP via phone, text or email with your carpooling options.