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What we’re about

Inspire Me is a shoulder to lean on!

Currently, three types of meetings: One-on-one session; Group meetup; Women's Circle

A community providing a shoulder to lean on & a place to be a helping hand! Personal struggles and starting a business are intertwined. Abundance is all around - there is enough for everyone! When we start helping each other we become co-creators of more possibilities.
The goal of Inspire Me is to bring together people with a similar interest to support and guide each other. It is that little push that you are looking for that you haven't been able to find any place else. Join us in spreading inspiration together to show that there are people who care, and you are not alone!
Feel free to suggest a meet-up, this is your home!

I am the founder of Inspire Me, LLC; Certified Life and Relationship Coach.
During difficult times, I have remained true to myself by relying on my faith, hope, love, and commitment to God. I overcame pain and suffering, and now I want to inspire others by helping them remember and find balance and unity in their soul. When you are fully in tune with your body, mind, emotions, and heart, everything falls into place, bringing you harmony and balance. This allows your genuine passions and purpose to shine.

Inspire Me is here for you to have and be a shoulder to lean on. Join this group if you're facing challenges and need help, guidance, support, a push to make a positive change in your life, or that little nudge. Inspire Me is here for you to help you remember the strength within you!

There is hope behind all the suffering and the light starts within!

From my heart to yours,

P.S. Click on the PAGES tab to learn more about the unique groups, guidelines & goodies.

NEW: Interviewing for co-hosts in FL & nationwide!! Contact me for more info. Looking forward to meeting you!
*If you are a company or individual who wants to be a helping hand, and would like to lead one of our meet-ups with any complimentary services that you provide let us know. We will set up an interview.