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What we’re about

Are you looking for opportunities to practice your Spanish or English? Have fun meeting new people while practicing your target language with native speakers. Plus, you get to return the favor and help others reach their goal to become fluent in another language! Not only will you walk away feeling like you've improved your English or Spanish, but you'll also feel great about helping someone else reach his or her goals. You'll laugh, have fun, and open your mind. And it's all free! Join us!

¿Estás buscando la oportunidad para practicar tu inglés o español? Diviértete conociendo a nuevas personas mientras practicas el idioma que desees con hispanohablantes o angloparlantes. Además, tendrás la oportunidad de regresar el favor y ayudar a otros aprender otro idioma. No solamente sentirás que mejoraste tu inglés o tu español, sino que también te sentirás contento de haber ayudado a alguien más a alcanzar sus metas. Además, ¡es gratis! ¡Acompáñanos!

Important! Members are only allowed three no-shows (not canceling your RSVP if you can't come) before being removed from the group. It's fine if members come late or have to leave early.

Upcoming events (1)

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