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A neat Kickstarter project...

From: Dane O.
Sent on: Friday, February 20, 2015, 4:38 PM

Hello everyone,

I came across this interesting project the other day and thought I'd share it with the group since our focus is around unique and unusual books and stories. I felt this project put a new and interesting spin on the traditional concept of a book. The premise is that each portion of the story is written on a card, forming a full deck, and they can be read in any order. The story can even be incorporated into normal card games like poker. They have far surpassed their goal, but for $12(the cost of a normal book) you can secure yourself a deck when the project is complete. Because it has been so well funded, they have already brought on a musician to create an album to accompany the book, and are also going to release an audio version in 52 tracks, which of course can be shuffled. They are working on more stretch goals as of this writing. It's already a pretty sweet deal for $12 bucks, and may even get sweeter as they create more goals!

I hope you all take a look and find this as interesting as I did!

-Dane Olsen


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