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What we’re about

The IRT virtual West meetings are always on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 MT.
It works best if you send me an email sooner so that I can add you to the invite list. However, if you can't get into the meeting or you have had trouble in the past, send me an email so that I can sent you the meeting invitation. My email is We always talk about the current inventing challenges and answer the concerns of the attending members.

Here is the link:

The Inventors Roundtable Virtual West meetup is a safe, free environment where Inventors can come and learn about the inventing process. We have a "workshop" atmosphere so that we can help inventors with all aspects of getting a concept out of your head and into the marketplace.

Our meetings will be virtual going forward so please check this meet-up site for the link. Learn as much as you can about the process, do your own due diligence and understand that when it is "time" inventing will cost money.

Bring your questions, problems and resources to the meeting. Our topics are determined by the attendees. The meetings are open to all inventors. Service providers are by invitation only. Our meetings are open forums where inventors can ask questions and work through inventing issues. Seasoned inventors and service providers are there to offer assistance and solutions.    Topics of discussion are decided by the questions asked by the attendees and normally range from "I have an idea and don't know what to do" to "I need help selling my product."

The meetings are free and there is no membership required.

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