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What we’re about

Get stronger faster + Lower your risk of injury + develop your endurance + shorten your workouts → THIS IS ISOMETRICS

Are IsoMetrics part of your routine?

Isometrics are pushing or pulling exercises without moving your arms or legs - or really any part of your body.

Think – pushing hard against a door frame, static holding a barbell, or carrying a heavy dog.

This group is for fitness enthusiasts interested in exploring or expanding their use of isometrics with a group of like-minded teammates.

We will workout together in-person and online. We will share our isometric exercise experiments. Get advice from trainers. And root for each other’s success.

If you’ve been doing isometrics for a while, are isometric-curious, or want to integrate isometrics into your existing routine - this group will accelerate your progress.

Excited to have you on our team!

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