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Happy New Year!

From: Niklas M.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 1, 2013, 6:19 PM


Dear all.

On behalf of Nina, Lucas, Fredrik and myself I wanted to wish you all a happy new year.

This past year has been a fantastic journey for IxDA Oslo and it's a pleasure to see how the profession of UX/IxD is continuing to gain momentum throughout the industry, changing the way users work and play.

2012 saw the formalization of IxDA Oslo as a fully certified non-profit organization. In addition to the monthly talks we have started an initiative to map out the IxD/UX education in Norway. The first step of this initiative is the survey that you have all recieved, and before long we will share the results of our first survey among the community.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the speaker line-up of 2012, a fantastic group of dedicated professionals from near and far who's shared their knowledge and inspiration on a variety of topics with our community. On behalf of ourself and all our members, we salute you!

I also need to bring attention to our advisory board members; Bekk, Designit, Logica, Making Waves, Mediafront and Netlife Research. The support from these companies allows IxDA Oslo to maintain and broaden our activities moving forward, and we are truly greatful for their tenacity and commitment.

Lastly, IxDA Oslo is what it is due to you, our members. Without you and your enthusiasm, our group would not be what it currently is. We will strive to continue to bring you inspiring talks and activities in 2013 and look forward to your feedback and support to make IxDA Oslo even better in the years to come.

From all of us here at IxDA Oslo, happy new year!


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