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2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - with 1+ M IDR giveaways & lucky draws, IG live

Photo of Corrado
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2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION - with 1+ M IDR giveaways & lucky draws, IG live


We are celebrating 2 YEARS of JAKARTA FRIENDS. Yayyyyyyy!!!

Over the past 2 years our group has hosted a great number of diverse events and enjoyed the presence of many friendly, enthusiastic, and sociable attendees.

Thanks to all for making this group a success and every event unique! (and feel free to take a look at past events and pics on the group page, as well as to check our IG account @Jakarta.Friends.Creatives)

The scope of this group is to encourage authentic connections in a low-key setting and with minimal barriers of entry. Together with Jakarta Creatives we are the biggest, most active, and most inclusive MeetUp community in Jakarta. Everyone is always welcome to attend our events.

So we are celebrating WITH A BANG! Save the date and don't miss this event, which will be hold in person and also streamed with an Instagram live on our IG channel. Reserve your spot today as places are limited!

Let's get together and celebrate our 2 year anniversary by making new friends and meeting recurring members again in the small and friendly café Ngoepi in Cilandak which will welcome us for this special occasion.

During the course of our celebration we will have lucky draws with prices for at least three lucky winners plus giveaways for over 1 million IDR in total! All premium members of Jakarta Friends, no matter how new to the group, are eligible to enter the lucky draw. Premium members do not need to be present at the event to have the chance to win and the lucky draw will be broadcasted on as Instragram live event.

What does it mean to be a premium member of Jakarta Friends? Read all about it in this post on the message board:

More information about the lucky draws and the IG live will follow ahead of the event (keep an eye on the board of Jakarta Friends and the discussion on this event page!)

Let's not forget that today is a special day. So for all of us who Alhamdullilah are lucky to be healthy, well, and safe, let's show generosity and give to a charity in the name of our Jakarta Friends community. Individual contributions are welcome and Jakarta Firends will top up with a generous contribution too. More information to come!

The event is held at Ngoepi in Cilandak (South Jakarta). Ngoepi is a lovely small café in about 10 minutes walk from MRT Fatmawati, with a nice indoor and outdoor patio area and excellent coffee. Everyone in encouraged to come by public transport.

This event is FOR FREE and only for members of Jakarta Friends who are RSVPed as attending. Newcomers are very welcome to join. Only premium members (that is, those who have paid the yearly membership fee) will be eligible to enter the lucky draw. Thank you for understanding!

Please update your RSVP at least 24 h before the event as courtesy to the organiser and to people in the waitlist. Repeated no-shows will be kicked from the group. Thank you for your understanding.

Happy birthday to us, and see you there!

We are THE BIGGEST, MOST ACTIVE, and MOST INCLUSIVE MeetUp community in Jakarta!

  • Join the WhatsApp community (for announcements; in-person attendees can join the private chat too)!
  • Read recent announcements on our Message Board (in particular related to why we now have a membership fee):
  • Take a peek about past events in our new Instagram account:
  • Yearly membership fee of Jakarta Friends can be paid in cash at an event. People who prefers to pay after the trial period is over, can do so per PayPal. If you prefer bank transfer, please DM the organiser (Corrado, +62 8211 489 3580)
Photo of Jakarta Friends group
Jakarta Friends
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Sunday, September 15, 2024
3:00 AM
Jl. Keuangan Raya No.15 · Kota Jakarta Selatan, Da
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
30 spots left