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What we’re about

Healing Hearts. Restoring Minds. Guiding Souls. 


If you are looking to: drastically enhance your dating life, improve your communication skills with the opposite sex and create more meaningful relationships ...then this group would appeal to you.

"We need to learn how to engage and connect with others honestly and authentically." Janie

Who is the organizer?

Certified Mindfulness Coach Janie Terrazas, is empowering, encouraging and inspiring others to explore the dynamics of their mind and the true callings of their heart.  She's an expert on unraveling the miscommunication that often occurs between the sexes, and the limiting thoughts we personally face that sabotage us from getting what our heart desires.

She offers one-on-one coaching services and conducts workshops/seminars. 
What makes this group unique?

Janie has helped many men and women overcome their insecurities and expand their perspective when it comes to relationships. She is striving to master unconditional love for herself and others, something she passionately assists others with achieving so they too can thrive in love and life.


"I believe unconditional love is honoring what the heart and soul need, and sometimes that means making tough decisions that involve MAJOR change. Having someone to guide and encourage you through that process is beneficial."

Her transparency and non-judgmental attitude makes you feel safe to open up about anything you are struggling with in love and life.  
DOES Janie's Group sound like something you want to be a part of?

If so JOIN NOW! I'd love to have you as a member.

To GET YOUR FREE COPY of my Know Thyself Jumpstarter Kit and to learn more about her coaching services visit

JANIE TERRAZAS BIO -  Janie worked in Los Angeles as a producer, host and fitness model for over 10 years. In 2012, she decided to move back to her hometown of SA to focus on her coaching and wellness career. She also provides restorative and relaxation services for the body. Visit her site for details.