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New Meetup: The After Halloween Before Thanksgiving Not Election Day meeting

From: Anne
Sent on: Thursday, October 2, 2008, 3:08 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Jax Freestyle Book Club for Real Readers!

What: The After Halloween Before Thanksgiving Not Election Day meeting

When: November 11,[masked]:15 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: More book talk! Use the September book list for RSVPs now; I may tweak the list but won't drop any book that a "yes" RSVP'er has picked when I get around to doing that. In the mean time, please send me any requests for list additions.

FYI, books discussed at the October meeting were Into the Wild, The United States of Arugula, The World Without Us, and Only Yesterday. Some of the discussions were in more depth than ofthers, of course. These books will be welcomed back on the agenda in November, or not, depending on interest.

Please do RSVP as early as possible, and if your are planning to come indicate the book(s) from the September list you have read or plan to read in the Comments area.

Questions, suggestions? Contact me directly at [address removed].


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