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Re: The January meeting

From: Anne
Sent on: Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 10:59 AM
Rebecca, the most likely location is La Taverna in San Marco, but I haven't committed to it yet. 

On Tuesday, November 17, 2015, Rebecca Alcantara <[address removed]> wrote:
I'm interested. I have never attended before.  Only limitation is location. Hopeful it is somewhere I can manage. Thank you for your hard working in organizing meeting.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 17, 2015, at 3:59 PM, Anne <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi to all.

I just announced the first meeting of 2016, the topic being “Scandals” and the beginning no doubt to be adjusted book list in the announcement.

This time, I am experimenting a bit and will adjust the venue to the size of the meeting.  I currently have 20 places open, and a fairly short window for responding. Depending on how many people respond and are COMMITTED TO COMING, i will find a venue that suits the number.  Venue suggestions are always welcome.

If 12 or more people want to come, I will probably collect a deposit, refundable until the week before the meeting and at the the meeting, i.e. forfeited only by late cancellers and no-shows. In that case  I will waive the deposit from anyone who has a track record of coming to meetings regularly and not cancelling late. You know who you are and aren’t.

So, we will see how this experiment in possibly putting the cart before the horse goes. In any case, the venue will be someplace public with food service.


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