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What we’re about

Welcome to our group of breathers! I am really excited to share the science and magic of optimal breathing with you. Yes - I hear you saying "But I know how to breathe". That's true but there is so much more to breathing than just inhaling and exhaling. And that is what this group is about - discovering the power of your breath and using it for physical, mental and emotional health.

Lets meet outdoors in community to discover and experience conscious breathing in nature. Its easy. Its fun. Its powerful. Its calming. Its energising. Every outing will be different. Parks, nature walks, sunrises, sunsets. Joburg has it all! Lets experience it through our breath...and have fun at the same time!

From time to time, we will also post workshops, free sessions and other events around the world of breathwork.

Check out our online platform for more info. BreathCafe.

If you have any questions or comments, pop me an email at See you soon!