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What we’re about

As a love coach, I help people heal from old, not achieved expectations in love. The expectations we all grew up with in culture, sometimes religion and Hollywood movies were: merry as a man and a woman (preferably a virgin) and have children, at least one boy and one girl, and stay happily together 'till death do us part'. Of course without any help or counselling.

In real life, things happen. We all are people with many shapes and forms, and many of us feel guilty for not fitting into the love life: 'One-size-fits-all'.

My mission is to co-create - with your help hopefully - a community of (25+-year-old) people who are willing to support each other in creating an authentic love life, without having to lie towards each other and having fun while doing so.

Therefore I organise events, workshops or gatherings with a basic theme: love communication skills. These can have different angles like creative workshops, presentations, communication exercises, music, dance, food, etc. These are for: couples, singles and others, including cisgender and heteroseksual and lhbtqia+ people. Basically, anyone who is respectful and friendly towards people with a diverse love life and has a focus on fun and personal growth!