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What we’re about

Welcome to the Joyful Well-being Meetup Group! We are a community of like-minded women dedicated to personal development and finding everyday joy. Through training the mind, reducing stress, and releasing negative energy, we aim to create a balanced and joyful lifestyle.

We meet the last Tuesday of the month at 12pm MST to cover various topics including life coaching, space clearing, life purpose, breathing techniques, mindful eating, and joyful living.

Our group is dedicated to empowering women to shortcut the time between, “I'll be happy when…” and actually living a happy and mindful life.

Come and experience guided meditations and engaging workshops that empower us to tap into our higher selves and discover lasting happiness.

Connect with other successful, professional businesswomen, solopreneurs, and those interested in clearing spaces, sacred spaces, and living a mindful life.

Together, we learn to nourish ourselves and connect with our higher selves while embracing well-being together. Join us to thrive and flourish!

Upcoming events (1)

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