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Next Chicago iPhone/iPad Three Day Intensive Boot Camp ? October 28 - October 30

From: Jonathan S.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 11:27 AM

The training was worth every penny spent, every minute attended, and every mile driven (400 miles total).  I was very happy with the trainer Arek.  He did a great job.  He's very knowledgeable with  good presentation and training skills" - Mazen Neffakh,  attended March 2011 Chicago iPhone Boot Camp.

The three day intensive Chicago iPhone/iPad IOS 5.0 workshop is October 28 - October 30, from 10am-6pm - a full 24 hours of training. It covers the fundamentals and advanced feature of iPhone development, enough material that after the workshop you should be able to develop your own iPhone application and upload it to the AppStore. The workshop is limited in size and features hands on exercises under the supervision of the instructor. 

The iPhone Boot Camps are arguably the most affordable and experienced iPhone application development workshops. Our rates are often half the price of other workshops and our trainers the most experienced in the field, with apps in the top ten in the iPhone store and/or authors of popular books on iPhone development. Since 2008 we have trained over 1,000 developers in over 60 workshops

We are the only iPhone training to offer a full money back guarantee after the first day of the workshop if you are not completely satisfied with the training - no questions asked. Keep in mind that if you do not have a basic understanding of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) the workshop will be extremely challenging.

To register: and save at the early bird rate.

To find out more about the iPhone Boot Camp, including videos, a detailed syllabus, links to our local meetup groups and detailed info on how to prepare for the workshop go to our main site:

Feel free to call if you have any questions -[masked] 9722

Jonathan Sarno
The Chicago iPhone Boot Camp