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What we’re about

Get together in Marin to encourage each other to write, whether it's finish that book, write that article, or start that family history on the back burner. Some of us are pros, some novices, and some in between.  Not much discussion, we'll just write without chat, though we'll introduce ourselves briefly at the beginning and say at the end what we accomplished (or not).  Sometimes people exchange writing one-on-one, either just to share or for feedback, but not on a regular basis.  Our purpose is primarily to get some writing done! Dues are $10 per year, due after your first meetup if you wish to stay on our membership list.  This only covers the site fees Francine pays for. You are paying for access to knowing when the meetups are. Otherwise Meetup allows you a trial membership of two months, PRIOR to your first attendance. The Meetup organization will delete members who have not paid 60 days from the day they join.  (Francine, the organizer, personally deletes people who have not participated or are participating and not paying dues, when we get to 45 or more members, and people who have attended more than once but have not paid dues.) Thank you!

Upcoming events (4+)

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